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The Witness (见证者) for Mac 原生版下载 – 好玩的冒险解谜大作

2017年07月03日 游戏 ⁄ 共 688字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 5,285 次

The Witness LOGO
The Witness 「见证者」,是一款Mac上好玩的冒险解谜大作,该作的游戏方式非常独特,而且游戏画面十分清新自然。游戏设定在一个神秘的无人小岛,玩家要在小岛上解谜冒险,揭露出背后的真相。本作解谜的核心机制是画线,但是一路上玩家需要通过配合不同场景做出不同反应,喜欢解谜游戏的玩家不要错过!
[The Witness 在 Mac App Store上售价256元]


You wake up, alone, on a strange island full of puzzles that will challenge and surprise you.

You don't remember who you are, and you don't remember how you got here, but there's one thing you can do: explore the island in hope of discovering clues, regaining your memory, and somehow finding your way home.

The Witness is a single-player game in an open world with dozens of locations to explore and over 500 puzzles. This game respects you as an intelligent player and it treats your time as precious. There's no filler; each of those puzzles brings its own new idea into the mix. So, this is a game full of ideas.


The Witness 截图




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