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Spectrum for Mac 1.6 破解版下载 – 专业的配色方案工具

2017年07月18日 设计绘图 ⁄ 共 726字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,869 次

Spectrum LOGO
Spectrum 是一款Mac上专业的配色工具,今天和大家分享最新的 1.6 版本,Spectrum能够让你容易的生成各种漂亮和专业的配色方案,内置了多种配色方案,如春、夏、秋、冬、黑夜等等,还支持从一张已有的图片取出配色方案,也支持屏幕取色,很好用!


Spectrum is an app for easily and intuitively creating beautiful color schemes.

Inspired by the principles of color theory, Spectrum allows you to:

• Create aesthetically pleasing color schemes based on harmony rules
• Explore tints and shades for colors in your palette
• Automatically generate color schemes from images
• Preview your color schemes using a variety of visualizations
• Capture colors from your screen using the built-in color picking tool
• Organize your collection of color schemes into a searchable database
• Import and Export your color schemes as CSS, PNG and ASE files
• Switch between two color wheel modes - perceptual and uniform
• Compose schemes using your preferred color profile


Spectrum 截图




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