miCal 是一款Mac上优秀的菜单栏日历工具,界面精美,支持各种视图,一天的日程一览无遗,很好用的一款日历工具!
miCal is THE calendar that you’ve always wished your Mac had! The all new miCal menu bar application for OS X makes scheduling easier, clearer—and better looking—than ever before.
Quick Overview
The menu bar application displays a month view with day details. For each event the event details will be shown on click.
Intuitive Controls
The arrows, page up and down and the '+' key let you intuitively navigate through your calendars and quickly, easily add events.
miCal Everywhere
Start miCal from everywhere by pressing CMD-C or start entering a new appointment with CMD-+ at lightspeed. Each of these shortcuts is also configurable to your needs.
miCal Flexible
Let mical show your preferred menu bar icon. From a simple day of the month to more complex displays: day of the week + day, month + day, day of the week + month + day, calendar week, the current date