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iStatistica for Mac 4.0 破解版下载 – 实用系统状态监控工具

2017年07月13日 系统增强 ⁄ 共 773字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,144 次

iStatistica LOGO
今天和大家分享 iStatistica 4.0 for Mac 版本,这是一款Mac上优秀的系统监控工具,类似iStat Menus,iStatistica可以监控系统的状态,包括CPU、磁盘使用、内存使用,网速、电池等信息,支持菜单栏显示和通知中心工具,很不错!
[iStatistica 在 Mac App Store上售价12元]


iStatistica is an advanced system monitor for OS X. It includes notification center widget and status bar menu. Simply slide out notification center to keep an eye on your CPU, memory, disk usage and network activity.

Features list:

● System monitoring
- uptime
- memory (used, free, cache, system)
- CPU usage
- disk usage
- ejecting external drives

● Battery information
- cycles
- health
- capacity
- time remaining

● Network activity
- network map
- external WAN IP
- internal LAN IP address
- router IP address
- incoming & outgoing traffic

What's New in Version 4.0
- New redesigned dashboard
- Web access
- Reorder statistics widgets
- Dark mode for Notification Center widget
- Disks widget
- CPU: Cores load
- Memory: Pressure


iStatistica 截图




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