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EasyPing for Mac 2.1 破解版下载 – 网络PING工具

2017年07月13日 网络检测 ⁄ 共 575字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 831 次

EasyPing LOGO
EasyPing 是一款Mac上的网络PING工具,可以让我们在Mac电脑上快速进行ping网址或是ping IP的任务,简单易用,不错的一款小工具!


EasyPing is a network tool to test whether a particular host is reachable across an IP network. This network can be IPv4 or IPv6. It works by sending ICMP packets to the host and listening for ICMP replies. This tool estimates the round-trip time, detects any packet loss, and prints a statistical summary. Just type a domain name or an IP address (IPv4 and IPv6) and click the Go button. Try the EasyPing now and see how it can make your life easier. Everything you need is contained in one simple installer, no additional downloads or plug-ins are required. We make it simple for you, now and later!


EasyPing 截图




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