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Check Off for Mac 5.5.5 破解版下载 – 优秀的任务管理工具

2017年07月08日 日程备忘 ⁄ 共 530字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 804 次

Check Off LOGO
Check Off 是一款Mac上优秀的任务管理工具,用户通过这款软件可以对任务进行整合和修改,提供添加、标记、查改、修改等操作,很不错!


Check Off is a to-do list that sits in your menu bar. Simply click the check mark and your personal to-do list will appear.

Organize your tasks by folder and label
Add notes to each task
Finder-like labels
Notes have full font support, and can contain links to websites and local files
The ability to print off your task list
Easy menu-bar access to bring Check Off to the front, edit or enter a task, and then hide it to the background when done
By changing the location of your data file in the preferences to a location like your DropBox folder, Check Off


Check Off 截图




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