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Internet Speed Test for Mac 2.4 下载 – 网速测试工具

2017年06月15日 网络检测 ⁄ 共 545字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,235 次

Internet Speed Test LOGO
Internet Speed Test 是一款Mac上的网速测试工具,能够测试出你的网络的最大上传和下载速度,简单易用,很不错!


Internet Speed Test App allows you to get accurate download and upload speed tested of your network with detail report of all the testes performed. It has a unique algorithm that cannot be tricked by PowerBoost or similar speed enhancement tools, so the results you achieve will be accurate per your system data speed. Internet Speed Test is a single-threaded test, while most others (like speed test dot net) are multi-threaded. It uses a single connection to download the sample files, which is closer to what you actually do in your everyday browsing and downloading.


Internet Speed Test 截图




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