今天和大家分享最新的 Hazel 4.1.3 版本,这是一款Mac上的非常实用的目录和文件自动整理工具,Hazel 可以让我们通过自定义的规则,自动整理指定的目录和文件,比如用户可以设置规则将下载目录的音乐、电影、文档分别移动到「音乐」、「影片」、「文档」目录,那么当你下载文件后,Hazel将会按照规则自动移动这些文件,最重要的是可以灵活的定义各种规则,非常的强大和高效率!
[Hazel 4 在官网上售价32美元,约合人民币200元]
Hazel is your personal housekeeper, organizing and cleaning folders based on rules you define. Hazel can also manage your trash and uninstall your applications.
Organize your files using a familiar rule interface. Filter on the file's name, type, date, the site or email address it came from and more. And do more than just file. You can set color labels, Spotlight keywords and comments and even archive files. Hazel also cleans, sporting options to clean out incomplete and duplicate downloads. All this is done automatically in the background allowing you to focus on your real work.