Downie 是一款Mac上的非常好用的在线视频下载工具,支持包括Youtube、优酷等国内外800多个在线视频网站的视频下载,并且每天还在不断增加,今天和大家分享最新的 Downie 2.8.9 中文版本,支持下载暂停恢复等新功能,软件简单易用,只需要拖拽或输入视频网址就可以自动下载,非常实用和不错的一款在线视频下载工具!
[Downie 2 在官网上售价39.95美元,约合人民币240元]
Downie is the only video download for OS X you will ever need. It isn't simply another YouTube-downloader: Downie supports at this moment over 750 different sites! The full list may be viewed in Downie's preferences, under the Sites tab.
With each update, we add several new sites as per your requests - just send us a link to a web page that doesn't work and we'll most likely add it in the next update!