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Timing 1.8.1 for Mac 破解版下载 – 最好用的时间自动跟踪统计工具

2017年05月17日 日程备忘 ⁄ 共 677字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,623 次

Timing LOGO
Timing 是一款Mac上的时间自动跟踪统计工具,今天和大家分享最新的 Timing 1.8.1 版本,Timing是站长认为最好用的时间跟踪统计工具,完全的自动化进行统计,不需要你手动去开启、关闭定时器,用了这款软件,再也不用下班的时候去想一天都在干啥了,非常的实用,推荐安装!

[Timing 在 Mac App Store上售价193元]


Timing is the best way to keep track of the time you spend with your Mac. Find out where your time goes - without ever having to start a timer again!

Timing automatically tracks which documents you are editing, which applications you use, and the domains of the websites you visit. You'll never have to worry about forgetting to start or stop a timer again - there are none! It's all done in the background!

版本 1.8 中的新功能
New feature: Timing now supports the Touch Bar on the new MacBook Pros. Try the duration slider (also available from the bottom right of the app's window) to quickly filter out short activities!


Timing 截图




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