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Spillo 2.0 for Mac 破解版下载 – 优秀的Pinboard书签管理工具

2017年05月02日 浏览器插件 ⁄ 共 867字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 945 次

Spillo LOGO
今天和大家分享 Spillo 2.0 版本,这是一款Mac上的优秀的Pinboard书签管理工具,Pinboard 是一家提供网络书签收藏服务的网站,Spillo是 Mac 上的一款Pinboard客户端,界面是三栏布局,可以方便快捷的在设置书签页面,可以方便查询和查找,非常的不错!
[Spillo 在 Mac App Store上售价98元]


Take full control over your bookmarks on Pinboard!

Spillo is a powerful, magnificent and amazingly fast Pinboard client for OS X. Spillo lets you browse and organize your bookmarks in a stunning modern interface. Spillo also makes creating a bookmark from anywhere on your Mac as convenient as possible.

• A beautiful interface
Spillo has a beautiful modern interface that feels just right at home on your Mac. Spillo uses all the latest technologies that you would expect from a modern OS X application.

• Browser integration to make bookmarking simpler
Spillo comes with a Yosemite Sharing Extension and browser extensions that make bookmarking from any page trivial. The bookmark creation window will be pre-populated based on the content of the current page. Browser extensions are available for Safari, Chrome, and Firefox.


Spillo 截图




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