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Tomates Time Management for Mac 5.1 破解版下载 – 番茄工作法

2017年04月22日 日程备忘 ⁄ 共 807字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 3,571 次

Tomates Time Management LOGO
Tomates Time Management 是一款Mac上时间管理工具,称为番茄工作法,界面小巧易用,你可以快速定时,倒计时完毕后会进行通知提示休息,简单易用,很不错!
[Tomates Time Management 在官网上售价19.95美元]


Tomates Time Management helps you to improve your productivity using one of the most effective management method in personal or pair working environments.

The app is highly configurable in aspects like time for breaks or tasks, notifications, task series, all of it in a beautiful and detailed interface.

We say Hi! to Touch Bar
Proud to announce Tomates Time Management adds support to Touch Bar on the new MacBook Pro.

Inside Tomates Time Management you will find...
+ Reports to compare your productivity
+ Beautiful graphs to check your progress in a blink of an eye
+ Customize task time
+ Customize short and long break time
+ Choose to play a sound or not when a break or a task has finished
+ Set how many tasks are a Work Serie
+ The task timer can be paused/resumed/reseted
+ Session and Goal counters can be reseted


Tomates Time Management 截图




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