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Network Speed Monitor for Mac 2.1 破解版下载 – 优秀的网速监控工具

2017年04月25日 网络检测 ⁄ 共 725字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,227 次

Network Speed Monitor LOGO
今天和大家分享 Network Speed Monitor 2.1 版本,Network Speed Monitor 是一款Mac上非常实用的网络流量监控软件,能够在菜单栏中实时显示网络的上传和下载速度,小巧且占用资源很少,很不错!
[Network Speed Monitor 在官网上售价1.99美元]


Network Speed Monitor is a simple and easy-to-use application to display your current network speed in menu bar, including the downloading and uploading data.

When your computer connects to the network, you can see your current network speed with Network Speed Monitor.

Network Speed Monitor is a handy application for you to monitor and record your income and outcome data and keep you alert about whatever is running in your computer.

Main features:
01. Put the menu item in the leftmost place on the menu bar so that other menu items will not fluctuate.
02. Automatically show the speed between Mbps and Kbps.
03. Click and choose to change the refresh interval from 1 second to 10 seconds.


Network Speed Monitor 截图




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