今天和大家分享最新的 Particle Designer 2.6 版本,这是一款Mac上强大的游戏开发粒子效果编辑工具,iOS游戏开发者必备的一款软件,可用于Cocos2D、Cocos2D-X、Kobold2D等游戏框架的粒子系统的辅助开发,以图形化的方式实时显示粒子效果,并且内置了数百款优秀的云端粒子特效,可直接使用,节省开发时间,可以直接导出为plist文件供程序使用,非常好用,Cocos2D游戏开发必备的工具!
[Particle Designer 2 在官网上售价39.95美元,约合人民币240元]
Particle Designer is the #1 particle effects editor designed specifically for Mac. Choose from a massive user submitted library or design your own unique effects. Limitless possibilities with multiple particle emitters, definable backgrounds, zooming & full-screen. Target hundreds of devices and multiple platforms with support for over 11 frameworks working out the box.