YemuZip 是一款Mac上的ZIP解压工具,只需要简单的拖拽就可以快速的压缩ZIP压缩包,兼容Windows系统,简单易用,很不错!
[YemuZip 在 Mac App Store上售价198元]
Why YemuZip (short version):
● Make PC-friendly zip without "__MACOSX" etc
● Zip directly to email (super convenient!)
● Drag-and-drop interface
Longer Description:
YemuZip is an easy-to-use app for making zip files. Just drag, drop, name your zip file and you're done.
Mac OS X's built-in compress function makes zip files that contains Mac specific information that, when extracted on a PC, looks like garbage. YemuZip lets you choose between a PC-friendly format and a Mac format that preserve all the Mac-specific metadata.