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Serial for Mac 1.2.5 下载 – 优秀的终端模拟工具

2017年02月23日 开发辅助 ⁄ 共 815字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,754 次

Serial LOGO
Serial 是一款Mac上优秀的终端模拟工具,为工程师和系统管理员方便的嵌入式硬件,包括完整的终端仿真,很不错!
[Serial 在 Mac App Store上售价198元]


Serial is a modern terminal emulator designed to make working with servers, network equipment, and embedded hardware easier for engineers and system administrators.

For system administrators, Serial supports the all-important break sequence required when working with routers and switches. Serial also includes a full-featured terminal emulator, allowing you to work with the screen-based menus found in network equipment and Unix programs including the text editors vi and emacs.

Makers and engineers will appreciate Serial's built-in support for embedded devices including the Arduino, Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone, and thousands of others. Serial includes several useful features for working with these devices including the ability to reset an Arduino, and the ability to connect to a BeagleBone over USB directly or through the on-board header.


Serial 截图




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