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松鼠王国 Red’s Kingdom for Mac 原生版下载 – 好玩的冒险解谜游戏

2017年02月15日 游戏 ⁄ 共 787字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 2,305 次

松鼠王国 LOGO
Red's Kingdom,「松鼠王国」,是一款Mac上好玩的冒险解谜游戏,集冒险和解谜元素于一身,整个游戏充满着各种古怪的关卡。而玩家需要扮演主角松鼠滚滚闯入邪恶国王的王国,通过重重关卡并从邪恶国王手中救出父亲夺回黄金坚果,不错的一款游戏!
[松鼠王国 在 Mac App Store上售价40元]


Help Red explore the land in this awesome action, adventure, puzzle game.

Mad King Mac has kidnapped your father and stolen your golden nut! Solve puzzles and battle goons as you explore and battle your way through the kingdom.

Discover hidden treasure, collect nuts, unlock special powers and much more as you play through 17 amazing and unique areas where there's always something new to discover.

Supports play with track-pad, keyboard or joy-pad.

What the amazing reviews have said,
"this is more akin to an action adventure game in the same vein as something like Zelda"
"if you love the puzzle aspects of games like Legend of Zelda, you'll find a lot to admire about Red's Kingdom"
"looks absolutely amazing"
"charming and well made"
"puzzles are amazing"


松鼠王国 截图




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