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Lattice for Mac 1.6.6 下载 – 优秀的颜色查找表

2017年02月06日 设计绘图 ⁄ 共 644字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,206 次

Lattice LOGO
Lattice 是一款Mac上颜色查找表工具,支持许多流行的查找表的格式,并可以无缝地的转换,各种LUTs格式,很不错!
[Lattice 在 Mac App Store上售价1648元]


Manipulate, transform, and convert 3D and 1D LUTs. Supports many popular LUT formats, and can seamlessly convert between any of them.

Have a question about pricing? Visit our website for more information.

A simple and powerful interface that is right at home on Mac.

Use visualization tools to see how your LUT modifies colors.

Apply LUTs to your images easily and correctly, in 16-bit. Drag-and-drop images to see the LUT applied instantly, or even see your LUT applied to video in real-time. You can even preview on DPX files and other production image formats.View your 3D LUT using tetrahedral interpolation and your 1D LUT with linear interpolation.


Lattice 截图




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