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HazeOver for Mac 1.7.5 中文版下载 – 优秀的虚化背景集中精力工具

2017年02月19日 系统增强 ⁄ 共 745字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,896 次

HazeOver LOGO
HazeOver 是一款Mac上的干扰调节器,虚化背景集中精力工具,让你在工作时不被其他窗口干扰,集中精力于当前工作的效率工具,软件会自动将其他窗口变为灰色,高亮当前窗口,虽说是个小功能,但实际证明非常有效果,很不错!
[HazeOver 在 Mac App Store上售价30元]


去除干扰,关注目前的任务。 HazeOver 通过虚化所有的背景窗口,自动突出显示前方的应用窗口。

• Spend less time managing windows. Window clutter will no longer bother you.
• Got a big screen? Then going full screen is not an option for you. HazeOver to the rescue!
• Multiple displays? HazeOver will let you know which screen is focused or highlight a window on each monitor.
• Working at night? Reduce brightness of OS X interface without sacrificing legibility or color accuracy of the front window.
• Dark menu bar and Dock mode will look soooo pleasing!

Heavy multi-tasking kills your concentration. All that tweets, emails, chat messages and lolcats staring back at you from the background. They strive for your attention. And you only have that much of it.


HazeOver 截图




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