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Fluid Browser for Mac 1.5 下载 – 多任务悬浮透明窗口浏览器

2017年02月28日 浏览器 ⁄ 共 735字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 2,558 次

Fluid Browser LOGO
Fluid Browser 是一款Mac上的多任务悬浮透明窗口浏览器,小巧且功能强大,能够设置背景完全透明,很好玩的一款浏览器。
[Fluid Browser 在官网上售价3.99美元,约合人民币18元]


Fluid Browser is a floating browser built to view your favorite media like Netflix and YouTube right alongside your work. Fluid Browser works just like any other browser, however, once active Fluid Browser only shows your media or web content hiding away all other features of the browser.

There is only so much space on your computer screen, Fluid Browser makes the most of it. Fluid Browser floats on top of open applications and can easily be resized. Fluid Browser gives the user full control over transparency by a simple touch of a keystroke to easily see and work behind content.

Finally, Fluid Browser is beyond media. Upload or drag PDFs, images or movies (.mp4 for now, .mov coming soon) into the browser to increase productivity or reference work.


Fluid Browser 截图




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