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Clipboard Manager for Mac 1.8.5 下载 – 优秀的剪切板管理工具

2017年02月17日 系统增强 ⁄ 共 817字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 809 次

Clipboard Manager LOGO
Clipboard Manager 是一款Mac上优秀的剪切板管理工具,支持全局快捷键调用,显示剪切板历史在屏幕左侧或右侧,很不错!
[Clipboard Manager 在 Mac App Store上售价12元]


Clipboard Manager is simple clipboard history manager for mac. It keeps all the changes your clipboard for later uses.

• Friendly native interface
• Global shortcut for show application
• Direct paste to the current application
• Paste items as formatted or plain text
• Paste or delete items by swipe
• Drag and drop multiple items to any application
• Work with multiple items simultaneously -> paste, share or delete multiple items
• Favorite items -> choice favorite items
• Password items - visible only first three characters
• Share items -> share items by context or application menu
• Ignored applications -> ignore the copied content from these applications
• Password applications -> save the copied content as password from these applications
• Quick Look for file items
• Left or right window mode
• Launch application at login


Clipboard Manager 截图




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