WingIDE 是一款Mac上强大的Python开发工具IDE,其编辑器包括大量语言的语法标签高亮显示,调试器设计得很好,编辑器有优秀的命令自动完成和函数跳转列表,很不错的一款Python开发工具!
[WingIDE 在官网上售价39.95美元,约合人民币240元]
Wing IDE 6 is a major new release that improves multi-selection, adds much easier remote development, allows debugging from the Python Shell and recursive debugging, understands PEP 484 and 526 type hinting, supports Python 3.6, simplifies working with Raspberry Pi, adds an annual license option, makes Wing Personal free, optimizes the debugger, supports OS X full screen mode, adds One Dark color palette, and much more.