QuartzCode 是一款Mac上实用的iOS矢量动画编程工具,今天和大家分享全新的 1.54 版本,支持最新的Sierra 10.12 系统,QuartzCode 可以让程序员通过画图的方式自动生成动画Animation代码,节省大量的时间,包括iOS和Mac OS X 上应用的开发,支持导出为 Objective-C 和 Swift 语言,非常实用的一款开发工具!
[QuartzCode 在 Mac App Store上售价588元]
QuartzCode is a fast, lightweight and powerful animation tool that turn vector drawing and animation to Objective C and Swift code.
Creating animation for your iOS/OSX project now is easier than ever. Just change any properties; you will see animation changes in real time. Using QuartzCode, you can iterate any animation within seconds, at the same time you can see the code side by side. The barrier for creating animation in Xcode is dramatically reduced!
What's New in Version 1.55
- Fix some freeze issue on Sierra
- Fixed crash when using line dash, gap, or phase
- Fixed case where layer disappeared when copying by dragging mouse
- Some code generation bug fixes