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Permute for Mac 2.3.7 中文破解版下载 – 易用的音视频格式转换工具

2017年01月15日 视频转换 ⁄ 共 728字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,164 次

Permute LOGO
Permute 是一款Mac上易用的音视频格式转换工具,简单应,只需要简单的拖拽就可以快速的进行格式转换,支持几乎所有常见的音频和视频格式,很不错!
[Permute 在 Mac App Store上售价68元]


Permute is the easiest to use media converter with it's easy to use, no configuration, drag and drop interface, it will meet the needs to convert all your media.

Easy to Use
Built from the ground up, Permute is a perfect example of what a Mac app should be. With a gorgeous interface and drag & drop simplicity no need for complicated options.

Insanely Fast
Permute was engineered to be incredibly fast. Let us take care of the hard stuff. Just select the video format you want and it’ll be done faster than you can say “Antidisestablishmentarianism”.

Everything Included
It doesn’t matter if you’re converting home movies or processing images. Permute can do it all. We support nearly every format and have plenty of device presets to choose from.


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