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Anytune for Mac 1.4.4 破解版下载 – 易用的音乐减速播放学习工具

2017年01月03日 音乐播放, 音频编辑 ⁄ 共 674字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,251 次

Anytune LOGO
Anytune 是一款Mac上实用的音乐减速播放工具,今天和大家分享 1.4.4 版本,Anytune可以方便的调节音乐的播放速度、音调等,简单易用,支持导入iTunes资源库,非常适合学习音乐、外语的人使用,难度太高或速度太快听不清的曲子就可以用Anytune这款软件放慢来听,哪怕速度修改的很慢,音质还是保持的比较完整的,很不错!
[Anytune 在 Mac App Store上售价198元]


Slow down music, choose the perfect pitch, and learn to play by ear.

The top rated music practice app for iPhone and iPad is also available on the Mac!

ANYTUNE™ is the ultimate music practice app for singers, dancers and musicians of all kinds. Artists worldwide use Anytune to learn to play, transcribe and practice songs by slowing down the tempo, adjusting the pitch, repeating loops, and sharing comments using their favorite tracks. Plug in and play along with the band using LiveMix and shape the sound with the FineTouch EQ. Slow Downer Music Practice Perfected.


Anytune 截图




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