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ScreenFlow 6.2 for Mac 破解版下载 – 最优秀的屏幕录像工具之一

2016年12月07日 截图录像 ⁄ 共 877字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 2,585 次

ScreenFlow LOGO
ScreenFlow是Mac上最优秀的屏幕录像工具之一,今天和大家分享最新的 6.2 版本,ScreenFlow支持屏幕录制、视频编辑、视频导出和发布的整个流程,支持高质量的视频录制,最重要的具有强大的视频编辑功能,如显示鼠标指针、显示键盘按键、添加文字等等,非常的强大!

[ScreenFlow 6 在 Mac App Store上售价233元]


Record Anything. Edit Everything. Share Anywhere.

Telestream ScreenFlow® is award-winning screencasting and video editing software for Mac. With high-quality screen, video, audio, iOS capture and powerful editing features, ScreenFlow helps you create incredible looking videos, software tutorials, game or screencasts, motion graphics, and animated GIFs.

ScreenFlow can record any part of your screen or the entire monitor while also capturing your video camera, iPad or iPhone, microphone or multi-channel audio interface and your computer’s audio – all at the same time!

版本 6.2 中的新功能
Major Changes:
● Lower default GIF export preset Framerate from 30FPS to 15FPS
● Text cursor flashing when recorded by ScreenFlow on macOS Sierra
● Audio cuts out while editing
● Audio drops during playback while waveforms are still drawing


ScreenFlow 截图




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