今天和大家分享知名的RSS阅读器:Reeder 3.0.2 版本,增加了对全新的MacBook Pro的Touch Bar支持,Reeder是一款Mac上优秀的RSS阅读器,支持手势操作和自定义快捷键,支持本地RSS和Feedbin、Feedly、Feed Wrangler、Fever 等在线订阅服务,是Mac上首选的RSS阅读器,非常强大!
[Reeder 3 在 Mac App Store上售价68元]
Reeder 3, a news reader with support for multiple services like
- Feedbin
- Feedly
- Feed Wrangler
- Fever
- FeedHQ
- Inoreader
- NewsBlur
- Minimal Reader
- The Old Reader
- BazQux Reader
- Readability
- Instapaper.
- “Copy link” now only copies the URL (the old behaviour, URL with title can be enabled in Settings>Services)
- Improved display of author information in the article viewer
- Feedbin: Improved syncing performance of saved searches
版本 3.0.2 中的新功能
- Touch Bar support for the new MacBook Pro
- Reeder now uses the Mercury web parser (mercury.postlight.com) for the “Read Now” feature
- Readability is no longer available (see readability.com for more info)