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Orion Markup for Mac 2.80 中文破解版下载 – 易用的图片标注注释工具

2016年12月06日 图片处理 ⁄ 共 762字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,408 次

Orion Markup LOGO
Orion Markup 是一款Mac上易用的图片标注注释工具,可以快速的为图片和PDF文档添加各种标注信息,文本、箭头、线条等,很不错!
[Orion Markup 在 Mac App Store上售价128元]


Orion Markup supports a complete suite of annotation objects. Featuring:

- add notes and outlines to image files and PDF documents

- photo magnification bubbles: creates magnified versions of selected image areas (fully resizable, available in circular, rectangular and various polygon shapes)

- multiple sized outline boxes and text labels. All outlines and labels supports formatting options with hundreds of fonts and colors

- lines and arrows of various patterns and thickness (solid, dashed, dotted). All lines support optional starting and ending arrows

- fully resizable black-out boxes (for hiding image zones that should be private)

- fully resizable dim boxes (for darkening areas of the images, useful for indicating unimportant or non-significant sections)


Orion Markup 截图




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