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IconFly for Mac 3.6.1 破解版下载 – 多分辨率图标快速生成工具

2016年12月26日 图片处理, 开发辅助 ⁄ 共 764字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,041 次

IconFly LOGO
IconFly 是一款Mac上的多分辨率图标快速生成工具,支持PNG, JPEG, TIFF, GIF, ICNS, PSD, EPS, AI, PDF等格式,自动适合生成iPhone、iPad、Apple Watch、Android等设备分辨率的图标,帮助开发,很不错!
[IconFly 在 Mac App Store上售价18元]


IconFly is an incredible time saver that allows you to easily create icons in many formats for your Mac, iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch applications. Moreover, IconFly allows you to create icons for Android applications as well as Web clip icons and favicons. IconFly is actively supported and consistently updated.

Supported image formats for icons creation: PNG, JPEG, TIFF, GIF, ICNS, PSD, EPS, AI, PDF.

• Create appiconset and icons packages for your Mac, iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch applications
• Create a folder with an icon or set icon on an existing folder
• Create Mac app icons in the additional formats: iconset, ICNS
• Preview your icons before export
• Replace images separately for different sizes


IconFly 截图




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