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SnapMotion for Mac 3.1.4 破解版下载 – 优秀的视频截图工具

2016年11月13日 视频编辑 ⁄ 共 930字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 607 次

SnapMotion LOGO
SnapMotion 3 是一款Mac上实用的视频快速截图工具,今天和大家分享最新的3.1.4版本,支持4K视频格式,可以将截取视频中的图片,并且支持批量处理,支持导出为GIF等格式,简单易用,很不错!
[SnapMotion 在 Mac App Store上售价30元]


SnapMotion is quickest and simplest way to extract images from videos. The application allows you to extract images in the best possible quality.

It has two modes :
● The manual mode where you can extract images precisely at the selected time.
● The batch processing mode where you can extract thousands images concurrently.

This third version was completely rewritten to gain in speed and functionalities. Big video files such as 4K movies are now fully supported. This new app was totally designed for Yosemite and El capitan and supports a lot of new features.

Version 3 features :
● share images on social network (Facebook, Twitter, ...)
● drag and drop images to export
● create animated GIF from your snaps
● rotate videos and extracted images in one click
● copy extracted images in the pasteboard
● generate errors log in the batch processing mode
● stop, resume, cancel batch processing task
● display notification when batch processing finish


SnapMotion 截图




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