jitouch 是一款Mac上强大的触控板和触控鼠标的手势增强工具,今天和大家分享最新的2.71版本,支持macOS 10.12 Sierra新系统,jitouch支持为全部应用或某个应用自定义手势,一个非常强大的功能是字符手势功能,如在触控板上画个字母“B”,就会打开浏览器,软件的手势分为Trackpad、Magic Mouse和Character,你可以自定义任何手势,如暂停/播放iTunes、打开QQ、新建文档等等操作,非常的强大和好用!
[jitouch 在官网上售价7.99美元,约合人民币56元]
jitouch is a Mac application that expands the set of multi-touch gestures for the new MacBook, the Magic Mouse, and the Magic Trackpad. These thoughtfully designed gestures will enable you to perform frequent tasks more easily such as changing tabs in web browsers, closing windows, minimizing windows, changing spaces, and a lot more.