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Gestimer for Mac 1.1.4 中文破解版下载 – 优秀的任务提醒工具

2016年11月07日 日程备忘 ⁄ 共 976字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,160 次

Gestimer LOGO
今天和大家分享最新的 Gestimer 1.1.4 中文版本,这是一款Mac上非常有创意的任务提醒工具,通过拉拽式添加提醒,采取了类似拉灯绳、抽拉悠悠球的现实动作来实现提醒事项的添加,非常的有创意,也非常的方便,支持中文,非常的好用!
[Gestimer 在 Mac App Store上售价25元]


”Gestimer 竟然能把提醒这样一种常用、普通、在常人眼里平淡无奇的操作做的如此惊艳,让我从心里钦佩作者的想象力。”

Gestimer is a beautiful Mac menu bar app for those little reminders during the day. Simply drag the Gestimer menu bar icon onto the screen to create your reminder.

Check out a 10s clip here: maddin.io/gestimer

Do you constantly check the time while using your Mac because you don't want to forget to leave the house in 10 minutes, to pick up the kids at 4pm, or to turn off the stove in 3 minutes? With Gestimer you can create such short-term reminders quickly and easily.

- Drag & drop a quick reminder with this beautifully designed Mac menu bar app
- Quickly add descriptions to your reminders
- Receive a notification for your reminders
- Sync with Apple Reminders
- Snooze reminders
- Show a countdown for the next reminder in the menu bar

版本 1.1.4 中的新功能
• The countdown is now always next to menu bar icon
• Countdown in the menu bar now has a fixed size so it won't cause other items to its left in the menu bar to move as much.


Gestimer 截图




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