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Flexiglass for Mac 1.6.2 中文破解版下载 – 优秀的窗口控制增强工具

2016年11月30日 系统增强 ⁄ 共 1216字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,456 次

Flexiglass LOGO
Flexiglass 是一款Mac上优秀的窗口控制增强工具,今天和大家分享最新的1.6.2中文版,支持最新的macOS 10.12 Sierra系统,Flexiglass这款软件不仅仅提供了基本的通过拖拽和快捷键自动调整窗口大小和位置的 Aero Snap 功能,还提供了双击标题栏最大化、改变左上角关闭和最大化按钮功能、触控板支持等功能,虽说都是一些小功能,但在某些时刻非常的有用,如习惯了点击标题栏关闭按钮去关闭应用的用户,就可以通过这款软件将Mac系统默认仅关闭窗口但不关闭应用的关闭按钮功能修改为和Windows系统一样,很不错!
[Flexiglass 在 Mac App Store上售价30元]


Among the countless number of applications that just arrange windows on your desktop Flexiglass actually offers a convenient way to move, resize, maximize, and close windows on a Mac with a mouse, trackpad and keyboard.

* Move & Resize
Usually, when you want to move or resize a window on a Mac you are limited by its title bar or lower-right corner. Flexiglass enables more comfortable window management. To quickly move or resize the active window just place the mouse cursor over it, press a definable key and start dragging windows with the left or right mouse button respectively.

* Quick Layouts
If you used to work with more than one window at a time Flexiglass will help you to arrange windows on your screen any way you like. Just move a window to the right, left or top, and it will automatically resize and move itself to fill the half, quarter of the screen, or full screen.

* Quick Layout Shortcuts
User-defined shortcuts allow you to move windows to halves or quarters of the screen and back to original size. You can place a window in the center of the screen or move it from one monitor to another.


Flexiglass 截图




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