Coverage 是一款Mac上的打印优化工具,能够分析所要打印文档的消耗,记录打印,帮助我们节省打印的耗材,很实用!
[Coverage 在官网上售价39.95美元,约合人民币240元]
You load a document into Coverage before printing. Coverage analyzes the document and provides a detailed ink usage statistics for every page of the document.
You see the total cost of printing and check if everything is OK there. If it is not, you check the document page by page to find the most expensive ones. You then modify these pages or charge an extra fee to make sure you are in profit.
You save the document details to the database for further analyzis and print the document for the customer.
All done, you've just saved a few dollars that will make thousands by the end of the year!