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Zoom It for Mac 1.2.3 破解版下载 – 超好用的屏幕放大镜工具

2016年10月27日 系统增强 ⁄ 共 579字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,518 次

Zoom It LOGO
Zoom It 是一款Mac上超好用的屏幕放大镜工具,简单易用,快捷键调用和关闭,支持从100%到500%的放大,圆形和方形等,很好用!
[Zoom It 在 Mac App Store上售价18元]


Zoom It is an on-screen magnifier that’s always available to give you a closer look at whatever you’re doing on your Mac. The Zoom It magnifying loupe stays at your fingertips via simple keyboard shortcuts, but it never interferes with your work or stops you from using all the shortcuts and commands you’re used to.

You can customize Zoom It shortcuts, keep the loupe on-screen, or just show it for a moment when you need it. The loupe moves naturally, centered over your cursor, and you can make it round, rectangular, big, or small, and zoom its magnification level up to 500%.


Zoom It 截图




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