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Tweak Photos for Mac 1.9.2 破解版下载 – 优秀的图片批量处理工具

2016年10月18日 图片处理 ⁄ 共 577字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,260 次

Tweak Photos LOGO
Tweak Photos 是一款Mac上优秀的图片批量处理工具,支持图片的批量调整大小、格式转换、重命名、图片特效等等,非常不错!
[Tweak Photos 在 Mac App Store上售价 6 元]


Everybody loves to click photos. But how well can you edit thousands of them together using your Mac is the big question.
Systweak has developed a brand new batch image editing app, Tweak Photos, for your Mac. It could very well be the ultimate batch editing tool you have been looking for! With Tweak Photos, editing thousands of your photos is just a matter of few clicks. It is a highly efficient tool that helps you customize as many effects as you want for a whole lot of photos. It also helps you to convert photo formats, and renaming an entire batch of photos in just one go.


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