PuzziPix 是一款Mac上好玩的图片智力拼图特效滤镜,可以为图片快速的添加上类似智力拼图效果的特效,简单易用,并且有多种拼图特效,支持单独运行或作为PS等软件的插件使用,很好用!
[PuzziPix 在官网上售价39.95美元,约合人民币240元]
Look how easy it is to turn any photo into a jigsaw puzzle! If you’re looking to add dimension to your photo creation, PUZZiPiX will leave a lasting impression.
PUZZiPiX combines photos with perfectly fitting puzzle components for great composition and storytelling. In advertising, contexts and connotations can be in high demand for designers, so having puzzles, as a visual technique can be invaluable. PUZZiPiX turns any photograph into an eye-catching jigsaw puzzle with creative control over the final outcome.