FotoMagico 是一款Mac上非常好用的电子视频相册制作工具,今天和大家分享最新的 5.2 版本,FotoMagico 被誉为Mac上的「会声会影」,我们可以使用这款软件快速的制作出精美的音乐视频相册,完全傻瓜式操作,和iTunes、Photos、Aperture等软件无缝集成,让你可以直接调用iTunes中的音乐、Photos中的照片来快速的生成视频相册,支持大量漂亮的图片切换效果,Mac首选的电子相册制作工具!
[FotoMagico 5 在官网上售价49.95美元,约合人民币300元]
FotoMagico lets you create professional slideshows from your photos and music with just a few, simple mouse clicks. It sports a very clean and intuitive yet powerful user interface. High image quality, fast performance, and user flexibility were some of the design goals for this application.