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eXtra Voice Recorder for Mac 3.1 破解版下载 – 强大的录音工具

2016年10月12日 截图录像 ⁄ 共 580字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,125 次

eXtra Voice Recorder LOGO
eXtra Voice Recorder 是一款Mac上强大的录音工具,简单易用,能够高质量的进行录音,并进行管理,很不错!
[eXtra Voice Recorder 在 Mac App Store上售价30元]


eXtra Voice Recorder is a combination of a powerful high-quality audio recorder and an easy-to-use audio files manager. This handy tool is always with you, so all you need to start recording is to hit a hotkey. You can add notes and photos to each recording, bookmark important parts for ease of navigation, continue recordings and save them directly to the cloud for universal accessibility. A built-in search tool will help you quickly find the necessary recording or its fragment, while the Split function will facilitate splitting recordings in your collection.


eXtra Voice Recorder 截图




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