A Better Finder Attributes 是一款Mac上实用的文件和目录属性批量修改工具,今天和大家分享最新的6.0版本,增加了大量新的功能以及支持最新的 macOS 10.12 Sierra 系统,支持批量操作,可以快速修改文件或目录的各种属性,比如创建时间、修改时间、EXIF信息等等,很实用!
[A Better Finder Attributes 在官网上售价39.95美元,约合人民币240元]
A Better Finder Attributes is the ultimate file-tweaking tool for OS X. It combines photo-shooting date and file date changing along with a few unique tricks of its own.
Version 6.00:
The new version allows JPEG EXIF tags, such as copyright, exposure, and equipment meta-data to be edited and deleted or EXIF information to be completely stripped from JPEG files.
DateTimeOriginal and DateTimeDigitized shooting dates can now be manipulated separately.
There's an updated user interface and icon, and much else as well.