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SmartPlayer for Mac 1.7 中文破解版下载 – 优秀的视频播放器

2016年09月21日 视频播放 ⁄ 共 699字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,466 次

SmartPlayer LOGO
SmartPlayer 是一款Mac上优秀的视频播放器,界面简洁,支持中文,支持桌面播放视频、加速或减速视频等,很不错!
[SmartPlayer 在 Mac App Store上售价30元]


SmartPlayer is a simple, easy to use media player for your Mac. It has got some unique features, which will transform your video watching experience to a different level.

Key features at a glance:
-Easy to add and play videos
-Play videos on desktop, front or status bar.
-Play in Semi Transparent mode.
-Customize Aspect Ratio settings.
-Increase or decrease playback speed.
-Trim videos and play right away.
-Use shortcuts for most of the settings.
-Share videos via mail right from the app.
-Add URL in Playlist to stream videos.

SmartPlayer feels very light yet works fast. It supports Apple's default video and audio codecs. One can always resize the video resolution very easily and keep it anywhere in the Desktop.


SmartPlayer 截图




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