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Pixave for Mac 2.1.3 破解版下载 – 设计师必备的素材库管理工具

2016年09月29日 图片处理, 设计素材 ⁄ 共 636字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,585 次

Pixave LOGO
今天和大家分享最新的 Pixave 2.1.3 版本,兼容最新的 macOS Sierra 系统,Pixave 是一款Mac上优秀的图片素材收集整理工具,能够帮助设计师收集整理所有的图片素材,方便日后的查询和过滤,帮助设计师建立自己的素材库,简单易用,非常不错!

[Pixave 在 Mac App Store上售价98元]


There is a whole world that we get from images. A single picture can fill us with inspiration which, in turn, brings us joy. Such impressions grow to create wonder and amazement for the world. That growth and creation is made possible by you. And Pixave is here to store and organize those inspired moments - to enable you to bring them to mind whenever, wherever you are.

版本 2.1.3 中的新功能
** Before upgrade to Pixave 2, Please backup your library first **

What's New in Version 2.1.3
- macOS Sierra Ready!
- Fixed a problem where screen capture didn't work correctly on macOS Sierra.


Pixave 截图




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