Pinball HD 是一款Mac上原生的好玩的3D弹珠游戏,三种不同风格的弹球桌,精美逼真的画面,真实的物理引擎,横屏和竖屏分别有不同的显示方式,很好玩的一款游戏!
[Pinball HD 在 Mac App Store上售价30元]
Gameprom proudly presents.
Apple Design Awards 2010 winning Pinball HD comes to the Mac!
One million happy iPad and iPhone users can't be wrong.
If play is choppy or visuals is subpar you need to adjust the antialiasing option. Go to windowed mode (Esc key) and use menus to access preferences.
Pinball HD -- simply the best Pinball for Mac OS X -- awaits you.
Each table -- Wild West, The Deep and Jungle Style -- is its own masterpiece.
You'll be stunned by the action's degree of realism.
This is a REAL, professional pinball simulator with stunning 3D graphics and realistic physics.