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Icon Plus for Mac 1.1 破解版下载 – 实用的圆角图标制作工具

2016年08月03日 图片处理 ⁄ 共 1034字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 805 次

Icon Plus LOGO
Icon Plus 是一款Mac上实用的圆角图标制作工具,可以快速方便的设计出各种精美的图标,尤其是移动应用的图标,支持圆角、文字、渐变等特效,很不错!
[Icon Plus 在 Mac App Store上售价18元]


Turn any photo on your Mac into a beautiful icon, combine images and text to create stunning logo designs and edit existing graphics to achieve a perfect user interface. All these features make Icon Plus a very useful tool for both app developers and graphic designers. Here is a list of what Icon Plus has to offer:


* Modify the canvas size
* Choose between a coloured or transparent background
* Modify the start and end colours of the background gradient
* Modify the corner curvature of the background
* Modify the size and colour of the background border
* Modify the offset, colour, angle and blur intensity of the background shadow


* Select the image that will be placed in the center of the icon
* Modify the vertical and horizontal offset of the image
* Choose between a flat or coloured icon design
* Modify the colour, scale and rotation of the icon image
* Modify the offset, colour, angle and blur intensity of the image shadow


Icon Plus 截图





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