Fast Motion Clipper 是一款Mac上视频加速工具,可以方便的将视频进行各种加速,简单易用,很不错!
[Fast Motion Clipper 在 Mac App Store上售价12元]
This app allows you to make your video files faster. This app supports files .Mov, .Mp4 and .3gp.
This app has three options for your video files:
1) Make a full video faster.
2) Clip a section of video that you want to make faster and save just that clip.
For example, if you have a 2 minute video you can change the speed on a 30 second portion of the video and export that 30 second portion by itself.
3) Make portions of a video run at different speeds, then save the whole video.
For example, if you have a 3 minute video you could have the first minute run at original speed, the second minute run 2 times faster and the third minute run 4 times faster.