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After Focus for Mac 1.5.5 破解版下载 – 优秀的照片背景虚化工具

2016年08月08日 图片处理 ⁄ 共 914字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,107 次

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After Focus 是一款Mac上优秀的照片背景虚化工具,是一款能够带来专业镜头效果的图像聚焦软件,具有4种透视模式, 自由定义5个模糊级别, 精确控制模糊程度。不需要昂贵的相机镜头或者后期图像处理软件,只需要After Focus 就能专业聚焦, 任何照片轻松脱颖而出,很不错!
[After Focus 在官网上售价0.99美元,约合人民币6元]


After Focus professionally adds focus and depth to your photos without expensive camera lenses. It easily defines a focus area and achieves lens blur, motion blur effects. After Focus extends filter and lens functionality beyond your camera and allows you to adjustable controls to add custom focus options to make any photo stand-out.

Post-processing software is not required nor are advanced image processing skills. You don't have to be a professional photographer to become addicted to camera lenses. After Focus is among the best in its class. By simply applying a blurred background and increasing the depth of field, a sense of depth is created to draw attention to the most important objects of an image.


After Focus 截图





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