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Guitar Notes Finder for Mac 1.2 破解版下载 – 吉他辅助学习工具

2016年07月14日 音乐播放 ⁄ 共 904字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,205 次

Guitar Notes Finder LOGO
Guitar Notes Finder 是一款Mac平台的吉他辅助学习工具,可以帮助我们在mac电脑上更加容易学习吉他,它能够将乐谱的每个音符更加形象地在吉他的具体位置上标注起来,更加方便菜鸟学习和找到键位,很不错!
[Guitar Notes Finder 在 Mac App Store上售价18元]


Learn how to read sheet music for guitar or improve your music-reading skills using this app just a few minutes a day !
The app has 2 modes:

1. Notes Explorer
2. Notes Trainer

The “Note Explorer” lets you find the music notes on a guitar fretboard in an interactive way!
When you point to a note on a virtual page, GuitarNotesFinder will show you where this note is on a guitar, and the other way around: if you click on a guitar, you will see the corresponding note and hear the sound it makes.

The “Note Trainer” shows you the frets and asks you to find the corresponding notes. It evaluates your results to show you your successes and challenges, so you can measure your progress in sight reading and see when you exceed your latest personal best.


Guitar Notes Finder 截图





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