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Evoland 2 (进化之地) for Mac 原生版下载 – 好玩的角色扮演游戏

2016年07月13日 游戏 ⁄ 共 751字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 10,280 次

Evoland 2 LOGO
Evoland 2 是一款Mac上好玩的角色扮演游戏,相较于《进化之地》,这次的《进化之地2》在规模上会更大,还将包含更多的角色和更多的游戏玩法类型(2代还将包括格斗,解密,射击等游戏类型)。玩家们将继续在游戏时空穿越的冒险中体验特别的“进化”历程:从8位到3D不断进化的画面;从RPG到动作等不断改变的玩法,众多元素的混合让该作着实是一款“以一顶十”的游戏,非常好玩!
[Evoland 2 在 Mac App Store上售价98元]


Evoland 2 graphics style is changing as you travel through time and its gameplay evolves as you move along the storyline. It is also a real RPG at heart, with a deep scenario based on time travel: explore different eras and change the history of the world. But are you sure that the consequences will not make things worse?

Full of humor and references to classic games, the aptly named Evoland 2, A Slight Case of Spacetime Continuum Disorder brings a truly epic and extraordinary adventure, unlike anything you’ve ever played before!


Evoland 2 截图

Evoland 2 截图





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