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ImageEnlarger for Mac 1.20 破解版下载 – 高品质图片无损放大工具

2016年06月05日 图片处理 ⁄ 共 1462字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,325 次

ImageEnlarger LOGO
ImageEnlarger 是一款Mac上高品质图片无损放大工具,能够最大程度保证放大后图片的清晰度,避免模糊,支持常见的30多种图片格式,支持剪切和预览图片,很不错!
[ImageEnlarger 在 Mac App Store上售价40元]


Are you still confused the image is not clear after enlarge?
Are you still complaining that it takes too long time to enlarge lots of photos?
Now I will highly recommend you a suitable and effective image enlarger app to help you solve these annoyances. This software will not affect image's original clearity no matter the image was enlarged how many times. More important, you will enjoy its features and advantages as below:

- You can edit and crop of the original pictures.
- More than 30 types of algorithms, with this funtion you can preview & compare and find the best effect picture. Moreover, part of algorithms you can define Parameter.
- It supports input and output more than 30 types of image formats, so it means supporting most of the popular and universal image format. Such as JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, ICO, ICNS, SGI, 8BPS, BMPf, FPix, GIFf, PDF, PICT, PNGf, PNTG, TPIC, 3FR, ARW, BMP, CR2, CRW, CUR, DCR, DNG, EFX, EPI, EPS, EPSF, EPSI, ERF, EXR, FAX, FFF, FPIX, FPX, G3s, HDR, JFAX, JFIF, JFX, JP2, JPE, JPEG, JPF, JPS, MAC, MOS, MPO, MRW, NEF, NRW, ORF, PCT, PEF, PIC, PICT, PNT, PNTG, PSs, PSD, QTI, QTIF, RAF, RAW, RGB, RW2, RWL, SR2, SRF, SRW, TARGA, TGA, TIF, XBM, etc.
- When enlarge image you can still get smooth and clear pictures.
- You can enjoy batch process to save your time.
- The procedure is quite easy, almost One click it will be done.
- Support X50 times enlargement, (Note: The maximum enlarge image sizes depends on many factors of your computer.)


ImageEnlarger 截图





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