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iA Writer for Mac 3.2.1 破解版下载 – 优秀的文本写作工具

2016年06月26日 文本写作 ⁄ 共 1357字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,172 次

iA Writer LOGO
iA Writer 是一款Mac上优秀知名的文本写作工具,今天和大家分享最新的3.2.1版本,增加了大量新的功能,如自定义模板等功能,iA Writer简洁易用,支持Markdown语法,支持 DOCX 格式和 Markdown文档间的转换,还具有计时器、Focus模式等等实用的功能,非常的不错!
[iA Writer 在 Mac App Store上售价128元]


iA Writer was designed to provide the best digital writing experience: It lets you keep your hands on the keyboard and your mind in the text.

# Swipe Right to Library
iA Writer now comes with an integrated library which stores all your documents. With a swipe to the right you have easy access to all your texts in one place.

# Swipe Left to Preview
With an all new synchronized scrolling Preview, iA Writer consciously separates form and content. It optimizes plain text writing while offering stellar formatted export—with world class typography.

# Focus Mode and Syntax Control
iA Writer is famous for offering a deeper focus on your text. Its unique tools improve your writing style by honing your concentration: One sentence at a time, or by highlighting different parts of speech.

# All Your Documents on All Your Devices
With seamless Dropbox and iCloud Sync, iA Writer keeps your documents safe and at hand on whatever device you are using when inspiration strikes.

版本 3.2.1 中的新功能
# Custom Templates

- Preview, create PDFs, and print documents in your own style
- Templates are web pages. Use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to lay out your documents
- Add templates in Preferences
- Download more templates from [iA Writer’s Web Site](https://ia.net/writer/templates)
- Learn more about templates in Help


iA Writer 截图





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